Friday 31 December 2010

How to make gorgeous banner?

Hello, people! This is my first post at my newest blog. and to do I will teach 'youlls' how to make gorgeous banner like me. Oooppss, did I to 'perasaan'? Yes, I was the perasaan person.
Ok! back to the topic. By the way it same like Hanis Zalikha, the popular blogger di kalangan malay people maybe she was the idol to youngster blogger.

1. Open your blog and stay for second at dashboard. Then look for word of design and choose template designer. After that click adjust widths. You choose entire blog to make it became bigger and bigger or smaller millers.

2. Minimize your blog/web search. Open paint at accessories. Then make banner like your blog. Your blog size can adjust if you like at paint.

3. After that search pictures or you can draw at paint. If you want the fabulous picture you can search at google because you can select and adjust you like and make change it. For example; you like colour pink and you want the pictures just all pink colour in the images search. Look the circle in the picture.

4. You can choose the pictures you like. 

5. After you get the picture you like, you can arrange or editing at PhotoScape. Then colour it at paint.

6. After that, you can put it in your blog. First, open your blog search word of design and stay at page elements. Click your header. Then uploud your photo. After you uploud, click preview because if you save it you cannot turn back. After you think that your header/banner is gorgeous you can save your banner!

Did you know why my banner is change for second time? This because I my banner is reject while I wanna to change the size of blog. So, as you can see below about the 'before and after' changes.
tengok perbezaannya anak panah dan bulatan kecik itu adalah perbezaannya.

The size before is:

tengok the number betul-betul!

so, what uolls think about me?


iem said...

wauu pndainya edit..
cntik banner..

schaficent said...

thank you ieMa. . .
tu cuma main letak je mcam masak nasi goreng campak bahannya. . .

bL0g BudAk BaEk said...

memang sangat cantek lah =)

melawat ke sini yep . =)